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LCIA Method Data set: Potential Soil quality index (SQP) (en) en de
Key Data Set Information
Name Potential Soil quality index (SQP)
Belongs to: Name of LCIA methodology/ies
  • Environmental Footprint
Impact category/ies
  • Land use
Impact indicator Soil quality index
General comment CFs set was re-Calculated by JRC starting from LANCA® v 2.2 as baseline model. Out of 5 original indicator only 4 have been included in the aggregation (physico-chemical filtration was excluded due to the high correlation with the mechanical filtration)
Quantitative reference
Reference quantity
Time representativeness
Reference year 2017
Duration of modelled impact time independent
Geographical representativeness
Intervention location GLO
Impact location GLO
Geographical representativeness description Applicable to world
Impact model
LCIA characterisation model(s) name(s) Soil quality index
LCIA characterisation model description and included sub-models Aggregated quality score based on LANCA multi-indicator. Original data set developed by Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics and Department Life Cycle Engineering
Considered environmental or other mechanisms along the impact chain Environmental impacts on ecosystem services derived from land use
Use advice for data set CF's sets are available for each single indicator composing the final aggregated set if there is the need of addressing relative contribution of the specific driver of soil quality impact
LCIA method, normalisation, weighting
Type of data set Mid-point indicator
LCIA method principle(s)
  • other
Deviation from LCIA method principle(s) Assignation of a soil quality score taking into account erosion potential, mechanical filtration, groundwater replenishment and biotic production.
Normalisation included? No
Weighting included? No
Number of basic inventory items covered 224
Commissioner and goal
Commissioner of data set
Intended applications Provide globally applicable baseline impact factors for the impact category "Land use" (midpoint level).
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2016-12-20T15:25:20.840+01:00
Data set format(s)
Reference to origin of data set
Data entry by
Official recommendation
Recommendation level of LCIA method data set Level III
Publication and ownership
UUID b2ad6890-c78d-11e6-9d9d-cec0c932ce01
Date of last revision 2016-12-20T00:00:00
Data set version 01.00.011
Workflow and publication status Data set finalised; entirely published
Owner of data set
Copyright Yes
Access and use restrictions The data set can be used free of charge by anybody to perform LCA studies, to distribute it to third parties, to convert it to other formats, to develop own data sets etc. as long as the ILCD format is mantained. Please note e.g. that reference must be given to the 'Owner of data set' (who may have additional copyright and license requirements on the particular data set that are to be met). Please note also that any modifications/omissions of the data set results in invalidity of any existing 'Official recommendation of data set by governmental body'
Flow Classification Location Exchange direction Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % Data derivation type / status Deviating recommendation Reference to data source(s)
not available KM Input -908.02 % Calculated
not available KN Input -602.17 % Calculated
not available KP Input -828.42 % Calculated
not available KR Input -952.22 % Calculated
not available KE Input -4.596 % Calculated
not available KG Input -602.7 % Calculated
not available KH Input -1002.1 % Calculated
not available PY Input 250.15 % Calculated
not available LR Input -1429.4 % Calculated
not available PT Input 56.251 % Calculated
not available LS Input -33.594 % Calculated
not available PS Input 293.12 % Calculated
not available LT Input -662.53 % Calculated
not available LU Input -810.36 % Calculated
not available PR Input -126.96 % Calculated
not available LI Input -880.62 % Calculated
not available PL Input 186.05 % Calculated
not available LK Input -1030.0 % Calculated
not available PK Input 389.69 % Calculated
not available PM Input -367.37 % Calculated
not available LA Input -1059.2 % Calculated
not available LB Input -633.76 % Calculated
not available LC Input -1043.7 % Calculated
not available QA Input 362.06 % Calculated
not available KW Input 328.53 % Calculated
not available KY Input -482.23 % Calculated
not available KZ Input -106.48 % Calculated
not available IL Input -128.04 % Calculated
not available IM Input -748.57 % Calculated
not available IN Input -576.73 % Calculated
not available IQ Input -33.606 % Calculated
not available IR Input -48.589 % Calculated
not available ID Input -1493.5 % Calculated
not available IE Input -853.76 % Calculated
not available OM Input 364.74 % Calculated
not available PH Input -708.44 % Calculated
not available PG Input -682.99 % Calculated
not available PE Input -97.894 % Calculated
not available HR Input -850.08 % Calculated
not available HT Input -813.58 % Calculated
not available HU Input -626.09 % Calculated
not available PA Input -699.89 % Calculated
not available JM Input -1126.1 % Calculated
not available JO Input -33.612 % Calculated
not available JP Input -956.48 % Calculated
not available JE Input -686.22 % Calculated
not available NP Input -107.22 % Calculated
not available NO Input 19.074 % Calculated
not available PT-MA Output 463.94 % Calculated
not available NI Input -683.62 % Calculated
not available NL Input 93.163 % Calculated
not available IS Input -297.69 % Calculated
not available IT Input -706.79 % Calculated
not available NZ Input -631.79 % Calculated
not available GI Input -457.88 % Calculated
not available MT Input 2.6898 % Calculated
not available MW Input 264.46 % Calculated
not available GL Input 429.17 % Calculated
not available GM Input -489.37 % Calculated
not available MQ Input -587.16 % Calculated
not available GN Input -980.36 % Calculated
not available MS Input -54.336 % Calculated
not available GP Input -986.3 % Calculated
not available MR Input 369.57 % Calculated
not available GA Input -1135.4 % Calculated
not available MM Input -632.13 % Calculated
not available GB Input -758.05 % Calculated
not available ML Input 367.79 % Calculated
not available GD Input -1097.1 % Calculated
not available MN Input 366.0 % Calculated
not available GE Input -687.32 % Calculated
not available GF Input -1358.0 % Calculated
not available GG Input -690.93 % Calculated
not available MK Input 159.82 % Calculated
not available GH Input -746.67 % Calculated
not available NE Input 378.42 % Calculated
not available NG Input 95.017 % Calculated
not available NA Input 366.6 % Calculated
not available NC Input -452.12 % Calculated
not available FR Input -729.13 % Calculated
not available MY Input -783.43 % Calculated
not available MX Input 279.42 % Calculated
not available MZ Input 258.96 % Calculated
not available LT Input 135.12 % Calculated
not available LS Input 372.24 % Calculated
not available LV Input 109.42 % Calculated
not available LU Input -123.16 % Calculated
not available HN Input -915.28 % Calculated
not available LR Input -827.13 % Calculated
not available LK Input -491.93 % Calculated
not available LI Input -291.14 % Calculated
not available GY Input -1029.5 % Calculated
not available ME Input -389.87 % Calculated
not available MD Input 285.49 % Calculated
not available MG Input 108.87 % Calculated
not available MF Input 469.54 % Calculated
not available MA Input 370.69 % Calculated
not available GQ Input -1359.5 % Calculated
not available GR Input -641.16 % Calculated
not available GT Input -972.31 % Calculated
not available GW Input -836.67 % Calculated
not available LY Input 362.23 % Calculated
not available EG Input -33.619 % Calculated
not available KR Input -285.0 % Calculated
not available KN Input 402.78 % Calculated
not available KP Input -63.958 % Calculated
not available KM Input -214.73 % Calculated
not available EC Input -796.27 % Calculated
not available KG Input 308.46 % Calculated
not available EE Input -664.81 % Calculated
not available KH Input -517.44 % Calculated
not available LC Input -283.16 % Calculated
not available DZ Input -151.96 % Calculated
not available LB Input -33.737 % Calculated
not available LA Input -632.13 % Calculated
not available DO Input -684.6 % Calculated
not available KZ Input 365.51 % Calculated
not available KW Input 363.1 % Calculated
not available KY Input 469.26 % Calculated
not available FI Input -210.09 % Calculated
not available FJ Input -1467.2 % Calculated
not available FK Input -579.63 % Calculated
not available JM Input -380.35 % Calculated
not available JP Input -475.15 % Calculated
not available FO Input -640.47 % Calculated
not available JO Input 367.38 % Calculated
not available JE Input 69.603 % Calculated
not available KE Input 448.19 % Calculated
not available ER Input -12.105 % Calculated
not available ES Input -521.85 % Calculated
not available ET Input -80.729 % Calculated
not available AZ Output 835.35 % Calculated
not available CF Input -787.69 % Calculated
not available ZA Input 356.29 % Calculated
not available AW Output -590.6 % Calculated
not available CG Input -998.2 % Calculated
not available CH Input -977.53 % Calculated
not available AU Output -53.191 % Calculated
not available CI Input -828.64 % Calculated
not available AT Output 6556.1 % Calculated
not available CL Input -517.01 % Calculated
not available AR Output 3348.9 % Calculated
not available AO Output 2983.5 % Calculated
not available AM Output 1022.3 % Calculated
not available CA Input -288.26 % Calculated
not available YT Input 260.1 % Calculated
not available AL Output 4541.6 % Calculated
not available CD Input -899.21 % Calculated
not available AI Output 2345.2 % Calculated
not available BT Input -185.48 % Calculated
not available AG Output 2630.9 % Calculated
not available BW Input -161.96 % Calculated
not available AE Output -1015.2 % Calculated
not available AF Output 2019.6 % Calculated
not available BY Input -632.11 % Calculated
not available ZM Input 183.36 % Calculated
not available BZ Input -1041.3 % Calculated
not available AD Output 6872.4 % Calculated
not available BL Input -457.73 % Calculated
not available BN Input -1620.3 % Calculated
not available BO Input -590.03 % Calculated
not available BQ Input 141.39 % Calculated
not available BR Input -999.95 % Calculated
not available BS Input -525.86 % Calculated
not available DJ Input 70.746 % Calculated
not available DK Input -655.53 % Calculated
not available DM Input -1381.4 % Calculated
not available DE Input -721.35 % Calculated
not available CU Input -691.94 % Calculated
not available CW Input 13.127 % Calculated
not available CY Input -657.11 % Calculated
not available CZ Input -685.93 % Calculated
not available CM Input -872.82 % Calculated
not available CN Input -489.81 % Calculated
not available CO Input -1285.3 % Calculated
not available YE Input 376.75 % Calculated
not available CR Input -1486.1 % Calculated
not available AD Input -984.33 % Calculated
not available AE Input 335.89 % Calculated
not available AF Input -73.998 % Calculated
not available AG Input -608.77 % Calculated
not available AI Input -457.35 % Calculated
not available Input -5919.2 % Calculated
not available BD Input -1030.1 % Calculated
not available BE Input -771.93 % Calculated
not available BF Input -422.92 % Calculated
not available BG Input -674.92 % Calculated
not available BH Input 317.24 % Calculated
not available BI Input -141.8 % Calculated
not available BJ Input -654.26 % Calculated
not available VU Input -825.19 % Calculated
not available BA Input -875.1 % Calculated
not available BB Input -671.44 % Calculated
not available AT Input -929.4 % Calculated
not available AU Input -174.36 % Calculated
not available AW Input 141.39 % Calculated
not available AZ Input -456.34 % Calculated
not available AL Input -855.57 % Calculated
not available AM Input -119.7 % Calculated
not available AO Input -627.62 % Calculated
not available AR Input -294.67 % Calculated
not available BD Output 677.73 % Calculated
not available BB Output 599.02 % Calculated
not available BA Output 605.88 % Calculated
not available BH Output -281.87 % Calculated
not available UY Input 27.223 % Calculated
not available BG Output 611.8 % Calculated
not available BF Output 435.22 % Calculated
not available BE Output 617.99 % Calculated
not available UZ Input 386.49 % Calculated
not available AZ Output 99.932 % Calculated
not available US Input 243.21 % Calculated
not available VN Input -489.6 % Calculated
not available AR Output 331.55 % Calculated
not available AW Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available VI Input 470.15 % Calculated
not available AU Output -85.857 % Calculated
not available AT Output 605.79 % Calculated
not available VE Input -393.97 % Calculated
not available AI Output 598.74 % Calculated
not available VG Input 471.31 % Calculated
not available AO Output 571.64 % Calculated
not available VA Input 469.21 % Calculated
not available AM Output 73.678 % Calculated
not available AL Output 533.15 % Calculated
not available VC Input -583.07 % Calculated
not available AG Output 626.5 % Calculated
not available AF Output -33.128 % Calculated
not available AE Output -307.89 % Calculated
not available TZ Input 298.91 % Calculated
not available AD Output 600.52 % Calculated
not available TT Input -481.55 % Calculated
not available TR Input 237.29 % Calculated
not available UG Input 350.87 % Calculated
not available UA Input 247.19 % Calculated
not available SZ Input 314.86 % Calculated
not available SV Input -435.53 % Calculated
not available SY Input 375.89 % Calculated
not available SX Input 469.54 % Calculated
not available SS Input 403.77 % Calculated
not available SR Input -636.29 % Calculated
not available ST Input -825.19 % Calculated
not available SO Input 372.6 % Calculated
not available SN Input 311.8 % Calculated
not available TL Input -431.18 % Calculated
not available TN Input 378.45 % Calculated
not available TM Input 366.83 % Calculated
not available TH Input -336.26 % Calculated
not available TG Input 135.55 % Calculated
not available TJ Input 187.05 % Calculated
not available TD Input 375.15 % Calculated
not available TC Input 370.63 % Calculated
not available RU Input 269.85 % Calculated
not available RW Input 329.03 % Calculated
not available RS Input 128.07 % Calculated
not available RO Input 199.66 % Calculated
not available SK Input 12.395 % Calculated
not available SM Input 203.81 % Calculated
not available SL Input -718.52 % Calculated
not available SG Input -830.74 % Calculated
not available SI Input -341.01 % Calculated
not available SB Input -825.19 % Calculated
not available SE Input 118.32 % Calculated
not available SD Input 373.64 % Calculated
not available SA Input 367.42 % Calculated
not available AI Input 469.26 % Calculated
not available AE Input 365.09 % Calculated
not available AD Input -366.46 % Calculated
not available FK Output 618.59 % Calculated
not available AG Input 329.59 % Calculated
not available FJ Output 847.18 % Calculated
not available AF Input 345.58 % Calculated
not available FI Output 199.73 % Calculated
not available IS Output 4068.1 % Calculated
not available IT Output 3696.2 % Calculated
not available IQ Output -786.65 % Calculated
not available IR Output 275.43 % Calculated
not available AZ Input 345.91 % Calculated
not available ET Output 21.923 % Calculated
not available AU Input 356.81 % Calculated
not available IM Output 3881.4 % Calculated
not available AT Input -262.36 % Calculated
not available IN Output 2624.2 % Calculated
not available AW Input 469.13 % Calculated
not available IL Output -263.54 % Calculated
not available AR Input 366.89 % Calculated
not available AM Input 290.96 % Calculated
not available ES Output 490.08 % Calculated
not available IE Output 6152.0 % Calculated
not available AL Input -233.61 % Calculated
not available ER Output -67.381 % Calculated
not available AO Input 232.58 % Calculated
not available ID Output 7448.2 % Calculated
not available EG Output -210.34 % Calculated
not available EE Output 618.48 % Calculated
not available EC Output 379.68 % Calculated
not available HT Output 4089.2 % Calculated
not available HU Output 2839.6 % Calculated
not available HR Output 6115.1 % Calculated
not available HN Output 4702.3 % Calculated
not available VU Input -825.19 % Calculated
not available DZ Output -188.31 % Calculated
not available DM Output 802.25 % Calculated
not available DK Output 618.63 % Calculated
not available DO Output 626.51 % Calculated
not available DE Output 616.82 % Calculated
not available DJ Output -220.9 % Calculated
not available GY Output 5025.4 % Calculated
not available ZM Input 183.36 % Calculated
not available GW Output 3826.6 % Calculated
not available CZ Output 613.27 % Calculated
not available GT Output 4900.6 % Calculated
not available GQ Output 6712.8 % Calculated
not available GR Output 3341.3 % Calculated
not available CU Output 607.8 % Calculated
not available GP Output 4809.1 % Calculated
not available GM Output 1998.7 % Calculated
not available CR Output 571.08 % Calculated
not available GN Output 4865.6 % Calculated
not available CY Output 598.66 % Calculated
not available GL Output -1695.1 % Calculated
not available CW Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available GI Output 2346.3 % Calculated
not available CM Output 664.37 % Calculated
not available GG Output 3531.5 % Calculated
not available CL Output 171.56 % Calculated
not available GH Output 3436.2 % Calculated
not available GE Output 3649.8 % Calculated
not available GF Output 6795.4 % Calculated
not available ZA Input 356.29 % Calculated
not available GD Output 5519.5 % Calculated
not available CO Output 533.93 % Calculated
not available GA Output 5461.2 % Calculated
not available CN Output 277.09 % Calculated
not available GB Output 3984.7 % Calculated
not available YE Input 376.75 % Calculated
not available CD Output 761.33 % Calculated
not available CI Output 742.18 % Calculated
not available CH Output 605.97 % Calculated
not available CG Output 837.54 % Calculated
not available CF Output 651.38 % Calculated
not available BZ Output 696.32 % Calculated
not available BY Output 618.59 % Calculated
not available CA Output -53.388 % Calculated
not available FR Output 5442.4 % Calculated
not available YT Input 260.1 % Calculated
not available BT Output 46.118 % Calculated
not available BS Output 631.69 % Calculated
not available FO Output 5669.0 % Calculated
not available BR Output 702.45 % Calculated
not available BQ Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available FJ Output 7157.9 % Calculated
not available BW Output 200.23 % Calculated
not available FK Output 2855.9 % Calculated
not available FI Output 1351.1 % Calculated
not available BL Output 599.13 % Calculated
not available BJ Output 627.61 % Calculated
not available BI Output 117.21 % Calculated
not available BO Output 429.91 % Calculated
not available BN Output 843.7 % Calculated
not available JP Output 476.77 % Calculated
not available JO Output -215.69 % Calculated
not available JM Output 803.6 % Calculated
not available ES Output 2711.8 % Calculated
not available ET Output 671.37 % Calculated
not available ER Output 194.64 % Calculated
not available JE Output 618.63 % Calculated
not available PT-MA Output -205.68 % Calculated
not available EG Output 917.34 % Calculated
not available EE Output 3051.4 % Calculated
not available IS Output 26.967 % Calculated
not available IR Output 7.8852 % Calculated
not available EC Output 4623.2 % Calculated
not available IQ Output -167.14 % Calculated
not available IT Output 533.94 % Calculated
not available DZ Output 1146.9 % Calculated
not available IN Output 252.71 % Calculated
not available IM Output 618.63 % Calculated
not available IL Output -141.77 % Calculated
not available ES-CA Input -6951.6 % Calculated
not available IE Output 618.14 % Calculated
not available DO Output 3435.6 % Calculated
not available ID Output 674.64 % Calculated
not available DM Output 7238.3 % Calculated
not available ZW Input 338.17 % Calculated
not available DJ Output -889.97 % Calculated
not available DK Output 3004.8 % Calculated
not available HR Output 600.99 % Calculated
not available DE Output 3683.9 % Calculated
not available HU Output 618.62 % Calculated
not available HT Output 677.86 % Calculated
not available CY Output 3324.8 % Calculated
not available CZ Output 5183.3 % Calculated
not available CW Output 104.82 % Calculated
not available HN Output 650.51 % Calculated
not available CU Output 3200.2 % Calculated
not available CR Output 7103.6 % Calculated
not available CO Output 6752.3 % Calculated
not available CM Output 4213.0 % Calculated
not available CN Output 3676.3 % Calculated
not available GY Output 726.8 % Calculated
not available CL Output 4218.6 % Calculated
not available CI Output 3836.4 % Calculated
not available GW Output 654.48 % Calculated
not available CG Output 4946.6 % Calculated
not available CH Output 6978.9 % Calculated
not available CF Output 3740.5 % Calculated
not available GQ Output 816.7 % Calculated
not available CD Output 4098.5 % Calculated
not available GP Output 720.94 % Calculated
not available CA Output 344.42 % Calculated
not available GN Output 645.6 % Calculated
not available GT Output 545.83 % Calculated
not available GR Output 522.29 % Calculated
not available BZ Output 5237.3 % Calculated
not available GI Output 599.27 % Calculated
not available GH Output 693.62 % Calculated
not available GG Output 618.62 % Calculated
not available BY Output 3148.7 % Calculated
not available GF Output 740.64 % Calculated
not available GM Output 598.42 % Calculated
not available BW Output 1084.6 % Calculated
not available GL Output -395.55 % Calculated
not available BT Output 1958.9 % Calculated
not available BR Output 4894.6 % Calculated
not available GA Output 842.01 % Calculated
not available BS Output 2271.4 % Calculated
not available BQ Output -590.46 % Calculated
not available BN Output 7814.9 % Calculated
not available GE Output 408.24 % Calculated
not available BO Output 2907.0 % Calculated
not available GD Output 770.26 % Calculated
not available BL Output 2346.0 % Calculated
not available GB Output 561.12 % Calculated
not available BJ Output 2981.7 % Calculated
not available BH Output -948.4 % Calculated
not available BI Output 846.77 % Calculated
not available BF Output 1952.2 % Calculated
not available BG Output 3406.9 % Calculated
not available BD Output 4855.2 % Calculated
not available BE Output 5676.3 % Calculated
not available BB Output 3088.2 % Calculated
not available FO Output 201.82 % Calculated
not available BA Output 6249.5 % Calculated
not available FR Output 608.42 % Calculated
not available IQ Input 374.03 % Calculated
not available NP Output 178.24 % Calculated
not available NO Output 10.487 % Calculated
not available IS Input -281.96 % Calculated
not available IR Input 369.79 % Calculated
not available IM Input -110.0 % Calculated
not available IL Input 360.77 % Calculated
not available IN Input -70.03 % Calculated
not available NG Output 531.4 % Calculated
not available NE Output -131.15 % Calculated
not available IE Input -217.21 % Calculated
not available NL Output 618.6 % Calculated
not available ID Input -738.42 % Calculated
not available NI Output 724.23 % Calculated
not available NC Output 844.87 % Calculated
not available NA Output -8.534 % Calculated
not available MW Output 520.59 % Calculated
not available MT Output 598.54 % Calculated
not available IT Input 20.896 % Calculated
not available MZ Output 605.42 % Calculated
not available MY Output 751.86 % Calculated
not available MX Output 21.66 % Calculated
not available MN Output 91.673 % Calculated
not available HR Input -129.6 % Calculated
not available MM Output 454.72 % Calculated
not available ML Output 15.143 % Calculated
not available MS Output 671.11 % Calculated
not available MR Output -178.93 % Calculated
not available HN Input -151.78 % Calculated
not available MQ Output 795.32 % Calculated
not available MG Output 316.65 % Calculated
not available QA Output -941.24 % Calculated
not available MF Output 599.02 % Calculated
not available ME Output 589.02 % Calculated
not available MD Output 499.68 % Calculated
not available MK Output 575.09 % Calculated
not available PY Output 2674.9 % Calculated
not available ES-CA Input -7007.3 % Calculated
not available PT Output 5170.3 % Calculated
not available MA Output 97.189 % Calculated
not available PR Output 4508.2 % Calculated
not available PS Output 1194.9 % Calculated
not available LV Output 618.59 % Calculated
not available LU Output 618.46 % Calculated
not available LT Output 618.59 % Calculated
not available LS Output 81.858 % Calculated
not available HT Input 44.566 % Calculated
not available PL Output 3128.1 % Calculated
not available LY Output -249.53 % Calculated
not available PM Output 2652.3 % Calculated
not available HU Input 241.46 % Calculated
not available PK Output 1398.2 % Calculated
not available PH Output 7597.5 % Calculated
not available GN Input -422.26 % Calculated
not available GQ Input -806.01 % Calculated
not available GP Input -204.49 % Calculated
not available LK Output 677.97 % Calculated
not available PG Output 7215.2 % Calculated
not available LR Output 841.23 % Calculated
not available PE Output 5026.8 % Calculated
not available GM Input 468.93 % Calculated
not available GL Input 361.16 % Calculated
not available GG Input 56.016 % Calculated
not available GF Input -726.7 % Calculated
not available PA Output 7135.0 % Calculated
not available BQ-SE Input 57.049 % Calculated
not available GI Input 469.79 % Calculated
not available GH Input 130.38 % Calculated
not available LC Output 739.43 % Calculated
not available BQ-SB Input 57.156 % Calculated
not available GB Input -123.93 % Calculated
not available LI Output 606.34 % Calculated
not available GE Input -79.47 % Calculated
not available GD Input -351.43 % Calculated
not available KZ Output -120.58 % Calculated
not available LB Output 403.82 % Calculated
not available LA Output 464.88 % Calculated
not available GW Input -273.13 % Calculated
not available GY Input -435.61 % Calculated
not available OM Output -906.61 % Calculated
not available KR Output 616.02 % Calculated
not available KY Output 598.75 % Calculated
not available GR Input 112.92 % Calculated
not available KW Output -296.66 % Calculated
not available GT Input -362.51 % Calculated
not available KM Output 608.37 % Calculated
not available FO Input -638.67 % Calculated
not available FJ Input -825.19 % Calculated
not available FI Input 188.94 % Calculated
not available KP Output 618.76 % Calculated
not available FK Input 376.53 % Calculated
not available KN Output 676.29 % Calculated
not available KE Output 84.063 % Calculated
not available NZ Output 7372.3 % Calculated
not available KH Output 626.17 % Calculated
not available KG Output 571.56 % Calculated
not available PT-MA Output 752.52 % Calculated
not available GA Input -531.09 % Calculated
not available NP Output 4401.9 % Calculated
not available NO Output 3037.9 % Calculated
not available NL Output 2987.3 % Calculated
not available FR Input 30.995 % Calculated
not available NI Output 6151.0 % Calculated
not available NG Output 3245.8 % Calculated
not available RS Output 617.35 % Calculated
not available NE Output 1361.9 % Calculated
not available NC Output 5865.3 % Calculated
not available RW Output 15.733 % Calculated
not available NA Output 1927.4 % Calculated
not available RU Output 80.563 % Calculated
not available EE Input 128.16 % Calculated
not available EG Input 362.48 % Calculated
not available MY Output 7642.6 % Calculated
not available MZ Output 3109.5 % Calculated
not available RO Output 537.63 % Calculated
not available BQ-SB Input 54.319 % Calculated
not available EC Input -424.88 % Calculated
not available MW Output 2479.1 % Calculated
not available MX Output 2663.1 % Calculated
not available Input -356.41 % Calculated
not available MS Output 4343.9 % Calculated
not available MT Output 3773.5 % Calculated
not available MQ Output 6424.2 % Calculated
not available MR Output 1170.8 % Calculated
not available Input 116.16 % Calculated
not available MM Output 6023.9 % Calculated
not available ET Input 300.47 % Calculated
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not available SZ Input 53.356 % Calculated
not available SX Input 49.094 % Calculated
not available SY Input 5.4424 % Calculated
not available TC Input 72.837 % Calculated
not available TD Input 4.8186 % Calculated
not available SG Input 126.28 % Calculated
not available SD Input -7.3741 % Calculated
not available SE Input 35.971 % Calculated
not available SK Input 81.183 % Calculated
not available SI Input 101.12 % Calculated
not available SN Input 34.018 % Calculated
not available SO Input -8.4976 % Calculated
not available SL Input 139.27 % Calculated
not available SM Input 68.868 % Calculated
not available SR Input 116.18 % Calculated
not available SS Input 54.584 % Calculated
not available RU Input 12.397 % Calculated
not available RS Input 75.07 % Calculated
not available RW Input 6.5007 % Calculated
not available SB Input 184.64 % Calculated
not available ZA Input 21.853 % Calculated
not available SA Input -27.608 % Calculated
not available YT Input 59.602 % Calculated
not available RO Input 63.681 % Calculated
not available ES-CA Input 56.097 % Calculated
not available VU Input 158.85 % Calculated
not available VI Input 47.618 % Calculated
not available VN Input 97.822 % Calculated
not available PS Input 19.442 % Calculated
not available PT Input 69.231 % Calculated
not available PR Input 100.22 % Calculated
not available PY Input 64.962 % Calculated
not available QA Input -28.138 % Calculated
not available PA Input 143.51 % Calculated
not available PG Input 153.76 % Calculated
not available PH Input 147.28 % Calculated
not available PE Input 59.696 % Calculated
not available PK Input -11.169 % Calculated
not available PL Input 66.182 % Calculated
not available PM Input 45.466 % Calculated
not available GH Input 77.988 % Calculated